Monday, February 24, 2014

Half way there

I was so blessed to have KelliJo join me again on Saturday, February 8th.  Kelly had a sales training trip to Memphis and it was good not to be alone while he was gone.

I was able to teach Sunday School on Sunday, but as the week progressed, I didn't feel the greatest.  The biggest problem I was experiencing was burning on the feet, the fingers and especially the mouth.  Anything I ate burned in the mouth, so I just forced the food down.  Emotionally I was in much better shape, probably because of the sweet Saturday I had just experienced and because my KelliJo was with me and we had some great visits.

Wednesday brought a much better day and we decided to pay a visit to the Jordan River Temple.  The temple brings such strength to my life and the new films teach on such a deeper level. I am learning so much about Celestial Marriage and Adam and Eve's role in this wonderful plan of Salvation.  How incredibly obedient they were and such a great example of endurance.  I love the display of love given by our Father to his son for the willingness to provide a Savior for us.  I am grateful for the greater knowledge I am receiving as I attend the temple and I'm especially grateful that Heavenly Father has helped me to feel well enough to attend and be strengthened by my attendance.  It was a sweet day to be back at the temple with Kelli.  I think it's the first time I've been with her since her return to the temple.  Makes a Momma beam.

Yeah!!!!!! Thursday brought the halfway mark for chemo.  It was good to have KelliJo with me on this halfway mark.  We spent time visiting and she shared some of her ideas about the family picture  book she is creating for Kelly and I.  Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling well and left to visit a Urgent care clinic.  As the evening progressed she learned that she had the flu.   That brings a whole other story that I hope she will share in this blog.

Nurse for the day and the last infusion for Devil's Blood. 

It seems that everyone at the Huntsman was encouraging about this halfway benchmark.  I've been told that this next chemo is not so hard on the body, so that makes me optimistic.  Here's hoping!!!!

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