Thursday, November 21, 2013

There's no place like home!

Surgery went extremely well.  From the time that we entered Huntsman to the time we left, we were treated with complete care,, love and dignity. What an incredible hospital!

Three lymph glands were removed and only one mass was found. Only after the pathology report comes back will we know just how clear the results are. We feel very blessed that the results are so positive.

 I was grateful to return home and wrap myself in the sweet spirit that is our home.  We have been inundated with facebook, email and text messages from wonderful family and friends.  My children and grandchildren have prayed for me daily- TJ's 6 year old has chewed out his other family members when they have forgotten to remember Grandma. Monday Cole joined TJ's family to go to school. Stephanie asked them how they could remember me throughout the day and they each decided to try and look at the clock hourly and say a prayer for me. Nicole was feeling very worried that I would die, Cole reassured her that I would be fine.  These experiences have given me a greater appreciation for the closeness of our grandchildren and the importance that their relationships with each other are.

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