Sunday, January 12, 2014

December 27, 2013--Port Day

I'm very far behind in all of my posts, but am feeling somewhat better and will try to catch with the date in the title.

After visiting with the Doctor, he sent in the big guns, his nurses to check out my veins.  They both agreed that I had good veins in both arms, but asking what they would do if it were them, they made the comment that every nurse there would have a port put in.  The decision was made, port it would be.  Friday, December 27th right after Christmas, the port was installed giving the site time to heal before the 1st chemo treatment.

Of course, we can't visit the hospital without some of Kelly's goofiness.
Kelly's new style

 And of course, we can't pay the hospital a visit without another, just lovely and becoming picture of me, in all of my glory!!!

Every thing went successful.  Now I have two hard things in my chest.  The expander on the right the port on the left.  I'm not complaining, mind you.  I think I will be glad the port is there.

Kelly, of course, always my right hand man and comedic relief.

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