Thursday, November 21, 2013

There's no place like home!

Surgery went extremely well.  From the time that we entered Huntsman to the time we left, we were treated with complete care,, love and dignity. What an incredible hospital!

Three lymph glands were removed and only one mass was found. Only after the pathology report comes back will we know just how clear the results are. We feel very blessed that the results are so positive.

 I was grateful to return home and wrap myself in the sweet spirit that is our home.  We have been inundated with facebook, email and text messages from wonderful family and friends.  My children and grandchildren have prayed for me daily- TJ's 6 year old has chewed out his other family members when they have forgotten to remember Grandma. Monday Cole joined TJ's family to go to school. Stephanie asked them how they could remember me throughout the day and they each decided to try and look at the clock hourly and say a prayer for me. Nicole was feeling very worried that I would die, Cole reassured her that I would be fine.  These experiences have given me a greater appreciation for the closeness of our grandchildren and the importance that their relationships with each other are.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Surgery day arrives

I had an amazing day yesterday With all if the well wishes and love expressed. We had the Stake Presidency and two close friends come last night to give me a priesthood blessing. I have had two blessings since this cancer arrived and they both have brought great comfort and a wonderful spirit of peace. Today I am grateful for a husband who honors the priesthood he holds and so willingly shares this precious gift.
We are at the Huntsman this morning awaiting all the things to prepare for the surgery. I feel surprisingly calm.  I know it's because of the blessing and all the prayers being offered in my behalf.  I feel so blessed and loved!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Night time is the Worst

At times during the past several weeks, I have just felt like crying and not for any particular reason.  After a wonderful Sabbath I retired to bed only to be completely awake and alert with my mind going in all directions.   This seems to happen a lot at night.  As I knelt by my bed, I wept and they were cleansing tears.  Friends and family have been a great source of strength to Kelly and I both as sincere love has been expressed and many prayers have been given in our behalf.  We sincerely have felt the hand of the Lord in our lives and he has made known to me that he is aware of our needs.  He sustains me each day and strengthens my faith.

I have to admit that this week seems to be dragging on as I contemplate surgery on Monday.  Life is so wrapped in preparing for a Mastectomy that it's easy to forget that this is Cancer.  It all just seems so surreal.

Kelly called me to tell me about the Walton Boys.  This family is a family of concrete men and Kelly's customers.   Kelly and I walked down the hill after a U of U Football game with Chris Walton and his son a couple of weeks ago.  It was then that he told us that he was a certified trainer for a cross fit gym in Bountiful.  Kelly saw Chris on Tuesday and he shared that Mark, another brother, was a participant in the crossfit gyms "Barbells for Boobs" for breast cancer awareness.  Mark was aware of my cancer and he competed with my name written on his arm and his team did also.  The money they collected from the donations were given to the American Cancer Society in my name.  WOW!  Kelly and I were both brought to tears because of their kindness.  I am just sooooo amazed at the kindness and love. 

Today is a day that is very emotional.  Prayers at our devotional were offered in my behalf that brought me to tears.  It's humbling to know that so many are remembering me in their prayers and adding my name to the temple prayer rolls.  I've received well wishes from two of my previous Storehouse Managers.   Once again I'm humbled.  I know I keep writing about how people are aware of our circumstances and the feelings that I have, but I just can't express my gratitude enough for the angels that the Lord has placed in our lives.  I hope I live my life worthy of all of you special angels.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

R and R

Sunset in Oceanside, California-- November 6, 2013
It was wonderful to travel to San Diego for a few days of Rest and Relaxation before we start through the process of treatment.  The weather was beautiful, the sunsets were amazing and we were able to spend each day lying on the beach and reading.  I was able to study in the evening for my classes.  We had some delicious meals and enjoyed just being together.  We accomplished the goal we set to accomplish, coming home relaxed.  The time flew by and I longed to stay a couple of more days, but it was not to be. 

As usual, it was a crazy Sunday.  I attended the Spencer Ward with Kelly and it was their Primary Program.  (Such an amazing spirit.)  We then attended our own meetings and it was our Primary Program as well.  Watching these programs always brings smiles with the sweet antics of little children.  Faces being, waving to family members and huge smiles.   In our program there was one little child that could be heard above all the rest, Caison Winmill.  His parents recently became active in the church and we had the privilege to teach them the temple prep classes and attend the temple with them.  As I pondered the programs I was touched to think that if Mike and Emily hadn't made the choice to come back to the fold, little Caison would not be learning the gospel and have the enthusiasm he so jubilantly shared this Sunday.  We are witnessing so many lives that are changing as members are choosing to come back and partake of the blessings the gospel has to offer.  I am in awe and amazement watching the Lord go about his work saving his children through the efforts of others.  I'm just grateful I get to witness these miracles as a fellow ward, stake and church member.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fasting and Prayers for Healing

In Mosiah 27, Alma the younger is struck paralyzed.  His father gathered a multitude and the priests  fasted and prayed for the healing of Alma.  He was healed by their faith.
Today I had the rare opportunity to have our ward fast and pray for Kelly and I.   We have felt completely sustained by the prayers that have been offered in our behalf by ALL who have done so. 
Many, many times we have offered to remember others in our prayers and have done so.  It's quite different to be the recipient and I have gained a greater appreciation of fasting and prayers for others. 
I believe in the power of faithful prayers for healing.  I have witnessed these experiences in my family through the years.  I also understand that the Lord is in charge and I have faith that the Lord's will will I be done.  I have been completely at peace these past two weeks since making the decsion for a Mastectomy and have actually been very surprised at how peaceful I have felt.  I know that it is not only because my, Kelly's and our family's prayers of faith, but because of the prayers of those we love and who love us.  It's also humbling to know that so many have had our names added to the prayer rolls in many different temples.  An added of strength when so many prayers are said in our behalf each day.