Monday, October 21, 2013


Today was the day for the MRI which stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This is the second MRI I've had in my life and I wasn't looking forward to laying in a tube while the magnet pounds in my ears. I have claustrophobia and wasn't sure how I would do in this crazy tunnel. Thankfully I got to lay on my stomach and listen to John Denver and it wasn't too bad. You all know how much I LOVE John Denver and how much singing is in my blood. I wanted to sing along and tap my foot---not really very conducive to lying still.
We decided dinner at Olive Garden would be the treat following our Family Home Evening at the Huntsman Center. We had my favorite--all you can eat Soup, Salad and breadsticks. Kelly dishes up his salad and decides that he doesn't want the red onions. My thought "Ooooh, I love red onions. I'll eat them, besides their cancer fighting.' Cancer fighting--Now that's funny.

That brings me to the Ultrasound just after the second mammogram. The Doctor doing the ultrasound asks, "So what do you do for a living?" Since I didn't hear him he had to repeat the question. I tell him that I work as a clerk at the Magna Bishops' Storehouse. He said, "I ask because you're dressed so smart." Later that evening as I was reflecting I had to laugh. I'm lying on the table waiting in my black dress slacks, black leather shoes and a hospital gown. YES, this hospital gown does make quite a fashion statement. I think everyone should have one, don't you?


  1. Your faith AND sense of humor will be your best tools in this battle. Love, your brother...Tim

  2. I agree with Tim, Tam; even in adversity you find the bright side! I love you, my sister.
