Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Transfusion help

March 14th---transfusion day.   It was helpful to know why I had felt so run down and crummy for the last few weeks.  Low red blood count.  I drove myself to the Huntsman on this day knowing that I would be okay to drive home.  I was hoping to be able to sleep while there, but I was feeling a little anxious and there were many interruptions.  The transfusion team was a really good team and I appreciated their kindness.
The transfusion took 5 hours and I was happy when it was complete and I was on my way home.  Rosie indicated that by my next appointment my red blood count should be up to 32 or so.  Here's hoping.  Interesting side note---my skin had been very pale and it ended up with some color back in it.

I had had such a rough week and I received a beautiful spring flower arrangement from one of Kelly's customer's Lori Odell.  She experienced the thing called cancer and she sent a message, "You're almost done, Hang in there.  The flowers brightened my desk for a week and our home for a week.  Lori had had breast cancer. (A side note: she had a recurrence of cancer that took her life). 

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