We met with Rosie to find out that my red blood count was very low. Red blood count should not be below 26 and mine was now at 23. She said that at some point during the week it was probably down to 20 or 21. I believe I can even tell you the day day---Monday. I could hardly function that day.
She gave me two options--1. put off infusion for a week and allow the count to come back up or 2. have a blood transfusion and still do infusion. Rosie suggested waiting for a week, but I felt I needed Kelly's input. He gave wise counsel when he suggested that by having a transfusion, I would have energy sooner. I really did not want to put off treatment for even one week and then after talking to Kelly I knew that I wanted to do the transfusion. The infusion would be 4 hours and the infusion would take 5 hours. The two could not be done on the same day in case I were to have an allergic reaction to one of them. We continued with the infusion and the transfusion was scheduled for Friday.
The neuropathy was still going strong in the hands and feet and so the chemo was cut by 10%. We'll see how much that helps during the coming weeks.
Time had slipped away because of the decisions to be made and so Dawn and I went up to the Bistro and grabbed lunch to take with us to infusion. It seems that I don't watch much television when doing infusion. It's just so much more fun to visit and chat with the friends that have been kind enough to take me. I love this lady!!!!
My nurse for the day, Sid was fun and unique. Each time I have seen her in infusion, she is wearing unique jewelry or hairwear.
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