Sunday morning came upon us and I was in not shape to go to church. Thankfully, Sara Mallett had agreed to be my side kick and be prepared to fill in last minute for me. I literally spent the whole day and evening in bed, hopefully allowing Kelly to fulfill his priesthood responsibilities. Sara and Annette dropped dinner of Clam Chowder for the following day. I was no longer just fatigued, but had a very deep and recurring cough deep in my chest. Drugs did a good job of keeping me sleeping, but I had not yet caught on to the regimen of anti nausea medication to keep in in check. I praised myself for drinking plenty.
Monday was a very slow day of arising. I knew it was important to get up and get moving, but had no desire to do anything but stay in bed. I overcame the temptation and went to work. The cough was not good and I was completely fatigued. I worked for 6 hours with 2-20 minute naps provided. As I arrived home, I wrapped up in my blanket and laid down. Kelly came home and I felt completely lost. I just did not feel at all good. He took care of me by making dinner and cleaning up. He then wrapped me up in my blanket on our love seat and wrapped himself around me to get me warm and comfort my nerves and my heart. He once again was my hero. I went to bed at 6:00 and slept until the next day at 12:00. Finally a call was placed to the Huntsman, Doctor Ward's nurses to let them know what was happening with my body. During all of this time, I had not had a fever just knew that I didn't feel well. Michelle asked many questions and determined I needed to be seen at Critical Care Clinic. Kelly had meetings that evening and I asked my friend Elaine George if she would be available for several hours to escort me to Huntsman. She gladly agreed. The Nurses and NA's took good care as they took many vitals, checked my fluids, my temperature, etc. I still did not have a fever. It did turn out that I was very dehydrated and needed fluid and my nausea was not under control. The Doctor filled me up with Zofran in the IV solutions. I was taken for chest x-ray to make sure there was no pneumonia. None was found. A swab was done to check for influenza. By the time the first IV was complete, I was feeling better. The second IV increased my energy as well. I even felt like eating a half turkey sandwich. I really had had no idea how bad I was really feeling. The Doctor and Staff at the Acute Clinic were amazing and educated us very well. The Doctor also educated me as to how to take my anti-nausea medicine and stay on top of it and to drink, drink, drink. I asked what I could do to make sure that I get enough fluids and was told that sometimes chemo will just take the fluids right from you and if drinking is not enough, to come back and acute care will fuel me up.
I have so many wonderful friends and am so grateful for any of many that would be willing to spend a girls evening in the hospital. Kelly joined us for an hour and then went to an amazing meeting with our new area authority Elder Evans. Elder Evans was quite surprised that he was in the meeting given I was in the hospital. I firmly believe that we need to keep his life as normal as possible during this crazy time in our lives.
Thursday came and went with little incident, slowly recuperating and working 6 hour days, until we received a call from the Doctor and nurse informing me that the result for flu came back positive. I had influenza A and any in my home would need to be treated before the symptoms presented. Kelly got a flu shot and then picked up the $130.00 prescription. It had definitely been and expensive $1000.00 week. I had a week of highs and lows. I was really hoping that this first round of chemo would come without incident, that I would have some time to gear up for the fatigue and nausea. Not so, we started off quickly with illness. I told Kelly that we are on a learning curve and this whole experiences is going to be learning time. However, I was grateful it came back as the flu and not chalked up just to the chemo. I appreciate the protector he is and the care he is taking of me.
Our sweet friends Kelly and Dawn brought Chinese food and a movie to watch. We watched "Unitards" which was completely hilarious. It was so good to watch something to bring laughter. After Killpacks left, I found Kelly sitting in his recliner head in hands, feeling completely overwhelmed. I left him to his thoughts to answer a telephone call. It was from Elder Evans personal secretary. He wanted to express the concern of Elder Evans and his staff and let us know that they would be remembering us in their thoughts and prayers throughout the weekend. I gave the phone to Kelly to hear the message for himself. We retired to bed both in tears. When we are feeling very low, the Lord in his infinite wisdom prompted his servant and minister to call our home. HE knows us. HE knows when we are feeling low and overwhelmed. We have a testimony of our saviors tender mercies in each of our single, individual lives. He manifests himself regularly in our lives and we are ever mindful of those mercies!
Brought tears to my eyes, especially the last part. Love you!