Monday, January 20, 2014

January 12th--Sabbath

Today is the Sabbath and I am so grateful that I feel up to attending church and partaking the sacrament at church.  It has been a great blessing to have worthy priesthood holders that could bring it to my home.  It's a sacred experience no matter where I can renew that covenant of baptism, but there's something very special about the alter. It's a visual reminder that we can bring our sins, our heartaches, our lows to the alter and the Savior will lift them from us.  Just as the Savior cleansed his disciples feet at the Last Supper, he cleanses us through the Atonement and the Sacrament.
The messages were messages that spoke to me and touched my heart.  I had not prepared to teach Sunday School and so I attended with Sara as the teacher.  She is a master teacher and the youth really respond to her.  I am so blessed to have had her agree to team teach with me.
The Relief Society lessons for this year are from Joseph Fielding Smith and I know my life will be strengthened by them.  This weeks lesson was on "Our Father in Heaven".  It's always a good reminder that God loves each of his children.  One statement that really touched my heart----"HIS love for us is greater than can be the love of an earthly parent for his offspring." I feel that love so much these days.  Each night I retire to bed tearfully with gratitude for a Heaven Father who knows and loves ME.

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