I was secretly hoping that I would get into Dr. Ward's office and have Rosie tell me that I didn't have to do the final chemo. I had finally started to get energy back and was not feeling too bad. I was not looking forward to feeling crummy again even though I knew it would only be for a week or week and a half. Rosie gave us no such news. The neuropathy in my hands and feet had remained about the same, my white blood count was good, my red blood count was back up to 29.4 and so it was a go. If this is what it takes to heal me, I guess I just accept it and move forward. Dr. Ward joined us and asked if we had any questions.
Rosie scheduled an appointment with an internist because she feels that I have reflux going on as a result of the chemo. My appointment with Dr. Agarwal was also scheduled to discuss reconstructive surgery and what that will entail.
Kelly is my escort for this last appointment. He took the day off work to be with me, so he started and finished the appointments with me. He has been my greatest cheerleader throughout the past 16 weeks. He is as glad as I am to be done with Chemo.

I have had several people ask if I get to ring the bell because this is my last Chemo. Honestly, I didn't know what the tradition is at the Huntsman, but today was the day I would find out. A group of nurses came into my room about a half an hour before the infusion was complete and sang to me. "Your therapy is through. We wish you good health and happiness too." And then I was presented with a plaid fleece/sherpa blanket. I love it!
As we left the Huntsman, I felt a little melancholy about the whole experience. All of the staff at the Huntsman, from the cafeteria help to the doctors have been so kind and helpful. There is still much to do before this journey is complete.
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