Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This was to be the year we had Thanksgiving at our home.  I love having my family at our home and was so excited to share time with them again.  We knew that I would be recuperating from surgery and would not feel up to cooking Thanksgiving dinner and I knew that I would be tempted to do too much if our family was at our home.  Kelli Jo willingly offered to host dinner at her home.  She is such a great hostess and loves to have her family at her home as well.

She worked hard to have everything ready.  I felt completely helpless and everyone was going to make sure I did nothing.  I did manage to help with the relish tray.  Yeah me!

TJ's family had had a stomach bug a couple of days prior to Thanksgiving and unfortunately Stephanie was suffering from the bug and she wasn't able to join us.  There were 24 of us which included our immediately family, my Mom and Hugh, my nephew Zach and nephew David with his wife Kristin.  Following dinner, we visited and enjoyed being together.  We typically play games, but after a long day of travel, eating   and visiting I was ready for rest.  Kelly and I went back to the hotel and stayed there the rest of the evening.  I missed spending that sweet time with our family, but realized that healing is important as well.
Grandpa and Shaelynn playing Tic Tac Toe
Joslynn and Dad taking a break!!!

Mom and her Sweetheart Hugh.

Raislyn and Joslynn

Grandpa and Joslynn

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