Sunday, October 20, 2013
This week has been a very spirit filled week as we have felt the prayers of so many.
My Manager, Scott, came to work and told me that he and his little family were praying for me. I can imagine in my mind his wife and four cute little daughters family kneeling in prayer with him. It is very humbling to know that we are remembered in so many prayers. We feel the power from those prayers that are offered in our behalf.
Our children informed us that they had planned a family fast set for today. Once again we are humbled by their love and concern and the desire they have to ask Heavenly Father to bless us. I know this will be a family experience and that these sacrifices will bring all of us closer to our Father. I look forward to each of you sharing your experience and feelings as we share this together.
Life has been easier now that we have a diagnosis of cancer. This week will be a time of decision making and more waiting. I think that one great blessing through all of this is living in Salt Lake City so close to the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It's a beautiful facility and the staff there are experts in their field. They work as a team and the team discusses all of the options, so we know that I will receive the best care possible. We met with the surgeon, Dr. Nelson, on Thursday. I will have an MRI on Monday afternoon to determine if there is just one mass and that will determine what type of surgery will take place. Dr Nelson's nurses were amazing and so knowledgeable. I have confidence in their experience.
Thursday was also our Stake Day of Sacrifice at the temple. Spending the morning in the temple, knowing that I and our family's names were added to the prayer roll, was very comforting. I know that the Lord is very aware of our concerns at this time.
Life is good!!!!

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I had a neat experience this week in being able to comfort a daughter who has gone through watching her other grandma experience cancer and remembering how hard it was for her and the family. As I talked to her, I was able to share my feelings that have been a testimony builder since watching this last General Conference. Nicole asked, "why are so many bad things happening to us now?" I was able to answer with a surety,
ReplyDelete" Because the Lord has something very wonderful planned, soon, and we are a part of it. He is preparing us for it. I don't know when, but I know it will be great, for those who are prepared. There is so much doubt, uncertainty, and sin facing us in the world everyday. I have felt discouraged about how abundant it is, and I almost want to throw my hands up and give in, feeling that there is little use in trying to fight for what I believe to be right. (This is where Satan gets gratification from all that he has accomplished). However, I pray, read the Scriptures, listen to the Prophet, and continue plugging away, day by day, at small and simple things, and I can't help but feel that the Lord loves us individually and knows our needs. He has not left us alone, and EACH AND EVERY TRIAL WE FACE IS A STEPPING STONE BACK TO HIM."
As Nicole kept her interest in my words, I continued, "Whatever happens, The Lord's way is the solid foundation on which we need to stand. He is helping us to up our game, and I don't know why he chooses those we love so very dearly to endure trials that seem so hard to bear, but we will learn what He wants us to learn. We will put our faith in Him, increase our testimony, and do whatever we can to SHOW OUR FAITH. Faith is an action, that means that it takes more than kneeling in prayer to ask Father in Heaven to make Grandma better, then going about our regular lives. We need to Pray more, Fast more, Read more, work harder at being kind to our family and having a heart of Christ-like love, and truly inviting the Spirit into our HEARTS. It requires change. That is how we show our Faith that Heavenly Father will take this cancer away."
I truly feel that Heavenly Father is in control of what happens with this cancer. Mom, you are an AMAZING woman and it hurts to see you have to go through something so difficult. You have done nothing to cause or deserve this, it is just the Lord's will. It is our opportunity to help you through it. I hope that even though I will not be able to be there physically much of the time, that I can do my part in showing my faith that our Heavenly Father will be with you through this, and that it will not be too hard for you.
I love you.