Two weeks ago a friend told me that Cancer is a disease of love.
This seems like an odd statement, but I can see what she means by the
statement. I would like to share some of the experiences I've had the
last couple of weeks.
I informed my sweet neighbor and friend, Heather on Friday evening October 18th and that evening
while we were at the Hale Center Theater dropped off a gift at my home.
Inside were some very cute loving things. A pair of pink pajamas, a
necklace, the cute cup about friends, peppermint tea, hot cocoa, lip gloss and other very fun things with the message to "Fight like a girl." Each item had a message with it.
My good friend Dawn dropped this by to offer a message of encouragement and love. |
We returned from a trip to Pocatello to find a a blanket from our special young friends Emily and Mike. She said each time she's been in the hospital, she has loved to have a blanket to cuddle up in. I find it especially fun that she made it out of pink breast cancer awareness ribbon material. Another friend from Pocatello, Sandy Jensen, asked what my favorite color was. She wants to make one of her famous Minkie blankets for me. I think I will have warmth, from blankets and friends, during this recuperation.
I received a phone call from a high school friend, Liz Davis, that I hadn't seen for several years. She made a special trip to Magna to spend last Thursday evening with me. We had a wonderful night reminiscing and sharing our life histories. She shared some of her life experiences and gave encouragement to make it through some of the stressful coming up months. Another high school friend, Susie Christensen, called Kelly and offered some counsel and words of love.
One sweet friend Jenn Eborn, attended the temple on our Stake's Day of Sacrifice and after spending the day in the temple called me. She said, "I have been thinking about you all day. Is everything okay?" I hadn't had a chance to tell about the diagnosis. I was so touched that she was so in tune to the spirit that she sensed something was going on in my life.
We were invited for an evening out to the Hale Center Theatre to see Brigadoon by Kelly's cousin and husband, Vicki and Dennis. The invitation came at a time when we really needed a distraction from our thoughts. It was nice to spend the evening with family that are truly good friends.
So many phone calls, emails, texts, etc have been sent mine and Kelly's way. Friends are stopping by to check on us and spending their valuable time visiting with us. Our names have been added to numerous temple roles to be prayed over. Many have told us they are praying for us. WE ARE FEELING THE LOVE, and that love is sustaining us. Many times we have told others that we were praying for them, but I now realize that I didn't understand the impact that can have, until we became the recipient of so many's prayers. I express my gratitude to each of you for you kind, loving thoughts and prayers. YES, cancer is a disease of LOVE.